This is a catch-up post, which means you have TWO weeks to get the work turned in. It will be due next Friday, 2/28, not this Friday. There will be no post on 2/24.
b. assure / ensure / insure
c. compose / comprise
d. farther / further
e. i.e. / e.g.
f. me / myself
1. Complete practice test D (Read the stuff below before you start!). No ACT q set this time--we'll do the whole test instead. I would suggest printing the test out rather than doing it from the computer. It's better practice for the real thing.
Some things to be mindful of:
a. There's no time limit for this test, but because the ACT limits you to 45 minutes for this section, you want to be aware of how you're doing in terms of pace. I suggest setting a time and noting where you're at in the test at the 45 minute mark. Don't stop there, just note it. As you do the practice ACT q sets for the remaining weeks, work toward getting them finished in 8 or 9 minutes max. You may be there already. If so, great. The idea is that when you sit down to take the official test, the clock will not be something to make you anxious. You should be familiar enough with your pace to not even have to think about timing.
b. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Your official testing environment will be extremely quiet (as in no head phones!). You need to get used to that.
c. Keep careful score when you watch the review video. I'll explain then how to calculate a raw ACT score (the 1-36 number that ACT uses to report your score).
d. Don't use anything other than your brain to help answer the questions.
e. Take the test in ONE SITTING, and keep all electronic devices--phones, ipods, watches, whatever--in another room. These are the conditions you'll find at your official test site. Your practice needs to be as close to the real thing as possible. A wall clock is fine.
Corrections, review, and scoring video.
Corrections, review, and scoring video.
2. LBGB...
- Read the "Style and Usage" section of chapter 3.
- Look at these usage pairs and write a correct sentence using each (You may use my examples as models, but write your own):
b. assure / ensure / insure
c. compose / comprise
d. farther / further
e. i.e. / e.g.
f. me / myself
3. Watch this video on context and framing and revise your Facial Recognition essay by adding context and framing. Yes, you already have a final score on that essay. I'll treat it like a separate exercise and include it in the week 5 work score. (Some of you may have already done this per my comments last week. If you did it well, then you're done.)
4. ACT Essay #3...
Choose either the Helmet Law or Facial Recognition prompts and write the essay from the OPPOSITE POSITION from what you wrote earlier. That's right--you may be writing from a position you don't actually believe in. That's ok. We're practicing the persuasive mode of discourse; fake it persuasively.
Here's a reminder of grading criteria:
Everything is DUE NEXT FRIDAY, 2/28, @ midnight.
4. ACT Essay #3...
Choose either the Helmet Law or Facial Recognition prompts and write the essay from the OPPOSITE POSITION from what you wrote earlier. That's right--you may be writing from a position you don't actually believe in. That's ok. We're practicing the persuasive mode of discourse; fake it persuasively.
Here's a reminder of grading criteria:
- context and framing (watch the video above!)
- clear position statement in first P
- full arguments in each P
- counter-argument mentioned and knocked down (this can be one or more of your 3 body P's)
- overall, solid persuasive writing
Everything is DUE NEXT FRIDAY, 2/28, @ midnight.