Sunday, June 17, 2012

Course Syllabus

Mr. Beals’ ACT Prep Course

Contact info:
Brad Beals
Address: 1471 Stillman Rd., Mason, MI 48854
Ph: 517.242.7884
Website for Course info:
Blog: Go here for daily lesson plans, homework, and videos.

Your Instructor:
I graduated with a communications degree from the University of Michigan in 1991 and got an English degree, teaching certificate, and masters here at MSU. For 9 months out of the year, I teach English (and ACT Prep) at a Lansing-area public high school. But for all 12 months, I’m a home-school dad of six. My wife, Heidi, and I are now homeschooling all but the youngest. I enjoy language. I believe it’s part of our being made in God’s image. To use language effectively and creatively brings glory to Christ. That’s right—good grammar is God-glorifying!

Course Objectives:
Students will…
·         gain familiarity with the English, reading, and essay portions of the ACT
·         learn ACT test-taking strategies
·         maximize their ACT scores
·         learn the form and techniques of the persuasive essay
·         practice variety in sentence structure
·         become better, clearer, more effective writers
·         be immersed in the grammar, usage, and mechanics of standard English

ACT English Student Workbook (Red)
ACT Reading Student Workbook (Gray)
Elements of Writing (Green)

*Course Outline…
June 19:        introduction / baseline skills (practice act, reading, in-class essay)
June 21:        Skill Builder 1: punctuation (Red, .61-.69);  Essay topic 1
June 26:        Skill Builder 2: grammar / usage (Red, .71-.80)
June 28:        Skill Builder 3: sentence structure (Red, .81-.90); Essay topic 2
July 3:           Skill Builder 4: strategy (Red, .93-.98)
July 5:           Skill Builder 5: organization (Red, .103-.115);  Essay topic 3
July 10:         Skilll Builder 6: style (Red, .119-.127)
July 12:         Skill Builder 1 (Rdg.): literal comprehension (Gray, .41-.47);  Essay topic 4
July 17:         Skill Builder 2 (Rdg): inferential comprehension (Gray, .49-.54)
July 19:         Skill Builder 3 (Rdg): content reading (Gray, .55-.66);  Essay topic 5 (in-class)

*Skill Builder assignments need to be completed prior to that day’s meeting. For example, on Thursday, June 21, students need to have SB 1 from the Red book completed so we can go over it in class. 

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