Wednesday, January 18, 2017

ACT Prompt #2

Net Neutrality   

While no one owns the Internet, service providers own the pathways by which individuals access web-based content. Many of those providers have considered offering a tiered system, wherein higher-paying companies would have priority on the information superhighway. Simply put, certain websites would become faster and easier to load for consumers based on whether the company that owned them paid the Internet service provider for priority access. Some argue, however, that a tiered system like this would contradict the essence of the Internet itself, which they believe should be a neutral space where all content is treated equally and thus delivered at the same speed. Given the increasing role the internet plays in both social and business lives, it is worth exploring the significance of net neutrality.  

Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about neutrality of access to Internet content.

Perspective One - Internet providers should be regulated in a way that ensures customers are able to access any and all content at the same speed. The providers should not be able to give preference to some companies or sites over others, but instead should offer an even playing field for all.

Perspective Two - Companies that provide Internet services have a right to tailor their services in the way they deem best for their business. If an Internet service provider wants to give preference to some content over others, they should be allowed.

Perspective Three – Internet service providers should be mandated to offer a base level of speed and accessibility to all web content. Once that level is met, if providers want to prioritize certain sites or offer even faster speeds for customers willing to pay more, they should be able to do that.

Essay Task

Write a cohesive, logical essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on net neutrality. In your essay, be sure to: examine and assess the perspectives given
declare and explain your own perspective on the issue
discuss the relationship between your perspective and those given

Your perspective may be in full or partial agreement, or in total disagreement, with any of the others. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples.

Plan and Write Your Essay

Consider the following as you compose your essay:

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the three perspectives provided?

        Identify the insights they present and what they fail to consider.
        Ascertain why a given perspective might persuade or fail to persuade.

How can you apply your own experience, knowledge, and values?

        Express your perspective on the issue, identifying the perspective's strengths and weaknesses.
        Formulate a plan to support your perspective in your essay.

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